10th Standard English I am the Land Poem Notes Question Answer Summary Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada English Medium Karnataka State Syllabus 2024 Kseeb Solutions For Class 10 English Poem 3 Notes 10th Class English 3rd Poem Notes Pdf i am the land question answer i am the land notes
10th english i am the land notes
Class : 10th Class
Subject : English
Poem Name : I am the Land

I. Multiple Questions :
1. ” I am the land . I wait . ” Here I wait ‘ suggests the feeling of
a . annoyance
b . joy
c . patience
d . disgust
2. ” A chain line necklace Chokes me now ” Here ‘ chain line necklace ‘ refers to a .
a garland
b . a fence
c . trees
d . grass
3. ” You cannot put a fence Around the Planet Earth ” The speaker here is showing a tone of
a . weakness
b . patience
c . excitement
d . self assertion
4. Which line tells that the earth is asserting itself ?
a . you shout , I lie patient
b . you say you own me
c . you cannot put a fence around the planet earth
d . you buy me
II . Answer the following questions in a word / phrase / a sentence
1. Who do you think is the speaker of the poem ‘ I am the land ” ?
Ans .: The speaker is ‘ mother earth ‘ .
2. You cannot put a fence around the planet earth ” What is the tone of the speaker ?
Ans .: It is the tone of self assertion .
3. ” I wait ” is repeated in the poem . What quality of the speaker is highlighted ?
Ans .: The word ” I wait ” highlights the speaker’s patience .
4. Who is the speaker referring ‘ you ‘ in the poem ‘ I am the land ‘ ?
Ans .: ‘ you ‘ in the poem are the people / human beings .
III . Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences .
1. ” I wait ” is repeated five times in the poem . What quality of the speaker is highlighted with this repetition ?
Ans .: Human beings are troubling the earth . They say that they own the lands proclaim that the land is theirs . Mother earth has an ocean of patience and bears all the cruelty committed by man .
2. Bring out the contrast between the speaker and the reader in the poem , ” I am the land ” .
Ans .: The speaker in the poem is land . It says that it is always patient and bears all that is done to it . The reader uses the land in many ways . He digs the land , grows fruits and trees and even fights for land .
3. What are the activities which go on over the land ?
Ans .: Man buys land , digs land and plants trees , grows fruit on it . Children dance and play on land . Man also fences and makes boundaries over the land .
4. ” You cannot put a fence around the planet Earth ” Is this tone of weakness or self assertion ? Give reason for your answer .
Ans .: It is a tone of self assertion . The poet mocks at those who are greedy . They wage wars to acquire more land . The earth has given everything to us . Whatever injustice we are doing , the earth bears everything patiently . We cannot put a fence around the mother earth .
IV . Read the following extracts and answer the questions given .
1. ” Then someone tickles me , plant life …………… fruit ”
a . What does tickle mean in the context ?
Ans .: According to the context tickle mean to plough the land .
b . What is the mood of the speaker in the statement ?
Ans : The mother earth waits patiently when the people plough the land , plant , trees and grow fruits .
2. ” You come with guns a chain link necklace chokes me now ” .
a . Why do they come with guns ?
Ans .: The soldiers come with guns fighting for the land .
b . What is the feeling of the speaker ?
Ans .: People fight with guns for the land and mother earth feels suffocated with the action of men .
3. ” You cannot put a fence Around the planet earth ”
a . What is the tone of the speaker here ?
Ans .: It is a tone of self assertion
b . Why does it feel so ?
Ans .: The speaker mocks at the people who wage wars and build fences on the land to divide nations .
V. Answer the following question in 8-10 sentences
i am the land summary :
1. Summary OR How does the poet describe that the earth has an ocean of patience in the poem , ” I am the land ” .
Ans : The poem ‘ I am the land ‘ is written by Marina de Bellagenta . In this poem the poet depicts the mother earth as the speaker . Mother earth tells that she waits with patience when people claim that the land belongs to them . They occupy the land , plough , plant trees , grow fruits and grass . The children dance and play on the land . The land bears everything without a complaint . The soldiers come with guns fighting for the land . People build fences on the land to divide nations which suffocates like chains in her neck . But mother earth mocks at the people’s behavior with a tone of self assertion .
1. Who do you think is the speaker of the poem ‘ I am the land ” ?
Ans .: The speaker is ‘ mother earth ‘ .
2. Who is the speaker referring ‘ you ‘ in the poem ‘ I am the land ‘ ?
Ans .: ‘ you ‘ in the poem are the people / human beings .