10th Class English The Bird of Happiness Notes Question Answer Extract Mcq Pdf, Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 4 Question Answers Pdf, Kseeb Solution For Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 4 Notes 2024
the bird of happiness questions and answers Class 10
Class : 10th Class
Subject : English
Lesson Name : The Bird of Happiness

The Bird of Happiness Question Answer
1. What did the people in the poor area in Tibet suffer from OR How can you say that the people
in the poor area of Tibet were unhappy?
Ans: The poor area had no rivers or good land, no warmth or fresh flowers, no trees or green grass.
The people suffered from hunger and cold all year round. so they were unhappy.
2. What did the old folk of Tibet say about happiness?
Ans: The old folk used to say that happiness was a beautiful bird. It lived far away, on a snowy
mountain in the east. Wherever the bird flew, happiness went with it.
3. “Will never make it?” Why did Wangjia feel so?
Ans: In anger, the first monster blew through his beard and the smooth road became vast scree.
Every stone on it was as sharp as a knife. As Wangjia walked on it his boots got torn. His feet got
cut. His hands were torn to pieces. The journey was very tough. So, he thought if he would ever
make it.
4. How was Wangjia made to suffer by the second monster?
Ans: The second monster blew through his beard. His bread bag flew into the sky. The blue
mountains and green rivers turned into a desert. Wangjia suffered with no food. At first his stomach
rumbled with hunger, his head swam and got sharp pain in his guts.
5. What changes came over Wangjia as the Bind of Happiness caressed him?
Ans: As the bind of Happiness caressed Wangjia, his eyeballs flew back to their sockets, he saw
much more brightly than before. All his wounds were healed and he was stronger than ever.
6. Why did Wangjia decide not to go back?
Ans: Though the journey was very tough, Wangjia decided not to go back. He knew that the people
at home were waiting for him to bring back happiness.
7. What did the third monster warn Wangjia?
Ans: The third monster warned wangia that if he wanted to see the bind of Happiness. He would
bring Bhimas eyeball lf he failed, the monster, would gouge out wangjia’s eye balls.
8. “Will never make it?”Why did Wangjia feel so?
Ans: When Wangjia started his journey after the first monster made him walk through the vast
scree for nine hundred miles. his hands and feet were torn into pieces. Then he felt that he could not
continue his journey.
9. What do you understand by happiness after reading the story ‘The Bird of Happiness’?
Ans: One can be happy if there are rivers, forests, flowers, fields, warmth and trees. That is the real
happiness lies in the happiness of all. so everyone should work for the happiness of all to be
him/herself to be happy
10. What do you like the most in the story “The Bird of Happiness”? Support your answer giving
Ans: I like the moral of the story and Wangjia’s unselfish nature. One can be happy if there are
rivers, forests, flowers, fields, warmth and trees. That is the real happiness lies in the happiness of
all. So everyone should work for the happiness of all to be him/herself to be happy.